We’re Ainsworth Gorkin, and we’re here to get you the results you want

Say goodbye to big, stuffy law firms with more lawyers than they can count and say hello to Ainsworth Gorkin, a boutique law firm that puts you first.

Our size is our advantage: we’re a tight-knit group that takes every case personally and stands by our clients until they get the results they’re after. We may be small, but we’ve got big credentials and a track record of success.

It’s why so many business owners and private individuals turn to us for representation and counsel; not only do we care, but we’ve got the business expertise and legal acumen to do something about it. 

You can count on us to be honest, real, and resourceful, coming up with creative solutions to complex problems and fighting relentlessly to obtain your objective.

Because that’s what Ainsworth Gorkin is all about: Representing You.

We practice law with honesty, care, and experience, tailoring our services to our clients’ unique needs. We put you first.

It’s not a New York Times Bestseller (yet), but we’ve got a pretty good story.

It begins a couple of years back, with a pair of young lawyers working crazy hours at one of those classic, old-school law firms.

The two of us, Levi Ainsworth and Shaya Gorkin, were working just a couple of desks over from one another, oftentimes collaborating on cases. The deeper we dove into the world of law, the more we realized just how important it was that lawyers prioritize their clients, respect them, and be honest with them. In other words, lawyers should work for their clients–not the other way around.  

We also realized just how hard that was to find. That’s when we had an idea: we could start a firm of our own, a firm where our clients would be our number one focus and where we would hold ourselves to a standard of honesty, care, and respect.

And so we did. 

In 2019, we called it quits and struck off on our own, founding Ainsworth Gorkin. As a small firm with two partners and a tight-knit team, we offer our clients a level of care that’s hard to find elsewhere.

It feels pretty good to have accomplished what we set out to do back as two young lawyers working at a classic law firm, but you know what feels even better? Delivering the results our clients want with honesty, knowledge, and care.

The Ainsworth Gorkin Difference

  • Winning isn't our goal.

    Our goal is to achieve your objective. In many cases, it might not even be about “winning,” but about strategically putting you in the best position possible and protecting your interests.

    We won’t confuse you with legal mumbo-jumbo or press you to take services you don’t need. Instead, we focus on what you’re looking to get out of our representation and cater our services to fit your unique concerns.

    We use creative solutions to solve complicated issues and leverage all of our resources to ensure you come out on top.

  • We're honest to a fault.

    From your very first case evaluation, we’ll be completely transparent about whether or not you need counsel, and we maintain that transparency throughout the entire process.

    We keep things real, so expect minimal fluff and optimal results. We preempt problems and miscommunications by explaining things beforehand and maintaining an open dialogue about what you *really* need before taking any action.

    We’ll help you understand the situation from a legal standpoint, work out an appropriate strategy, and guide you toward your goal. If we believe that it isn’t in your best interest to employ our services, we’ll let you know.

  • Expect a whole lotta' heart.

    We’re small, but we’re mighty. In fact, our size allows us to give our clients a level of personalized care that bigger firms often lack. Our business is founded on the relationships we have with our clients. We’re available, we care, and we’re personally invested in your success.

    As a boutique firm with two partners with different interests and focus areas, our clients benefit from our unique dynamic. With Levi heading the business side of things and Shaya’s passion for litigation, we work together to bring you the best of both worlds with attention to detail as well as the bigger picture.

    Size matters, and in this case, you’re coming out ahead.

  • Go ahead, buy that avocado toast

    Our size gives us another advantage: fair pricing.

    Our services won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Reasonable rates mean you can buy artisanal avocado toast (hold the capers) from the boutique coffee shop outside your office–and still make your mortgage payments.

    Don’t expect the unexpected: our policy for transparency extends to our pricing, which we deliver upfront so you can know exactly what you’re getting into before you begin.

    There are no surprise fees at Ainsworth Gorkin.

  • Your business is our business.

    As small business owners, we’re uniquely situated to understand our clients and their needs. We know the pain points of opening, owning, and running your own business, and how important it is to have solid legal counsel to rely on when things get tricky.

    We’ve been there, and we won't stop until we get you the results you want. Our services are designed with the growth and success of your business at heart.